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A Wine Glass Grapes Nuts and Roses on a Ledge
Order as handmade oil painting A Wine Glass Grapes Nuts and Roses on a Ledge - Edward Ladell |
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Black Grapes on a Carved Ivory Box, Peaches, Whitecurrants and Hazelnuts with a Hoch Glass on a Marble Ledge -
Edward Ladell
Gooseberries, a pear, a peach, grapes and a bird's nest, on a bank -
Edward Ladell
Grapes Peaches Plums and Currants with a Blue and White Vase -
Edward Ladell
Grapes, peaches, cherries, walnuts, hazelnuts, a pear and a pineapple on a ledge -
Edward Ladell
Grapes, peaches, raspberries, and plums with a basket on a wooden shelf -
Edward Ladell [locked]
Related Paintings
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Still life with grapes, peaches and red currants on a ledge - (after) Willem Van Leen
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Apples, a peach, a plum and a strawberry, on a mossy bank - Oliver Clare
Still Life With Flowers And Fruit - Victor Jacques Renault
After the Hunt - Richard Goodwin
The Sick Bacchus, detail of peaches and grapes, 1591 - Caravaggio
Oil Paintings related news
Art events, galleries and exhibits around Snohomish County | - The Daily Herald |