A View Of Harlech Castle, Wales - John Varley
The Horses Drink - Honoré Daumier
Biting the Biscuit - Theodor Kleehaas
Assassination of Henri IV by Francois Ravaillac in the rue de la Ferronerie on 14th May 1610 - Maurice Leloir
The Crucifixion of Christ 2 - Paolo di Grazia Giovanni di
Feeding the rabbits - (after) William Hemsley
A ram walking to the left - Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
The Convent of St Agatha and Prinsenhof in Delft 1667-80 - Coenraet Decker
Portrait of a girl with a poodle, full-length, seated, in a white chemise and blue shawl - (after) Largilliere, Nicholas de