Portrait of Sir Jonathan Trelawny successively Bishop of Bristol Exeter and Winchester -
Sir Godfrey Kneller
Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a grey satin - (after) Largilliere, Nicholas de
Portrait of a Gentleman, bust length, seated before a red curtain, a landscape beyond - John Hoppner
Portrait of a Cardinal - German School
Portrait of a Housekeeper at Bramham Park Yorkshire - George Garrard
Portrait of King Charles I - (after) Dyck, Sir Anthony van
Portrait Of A Gentleman, Three Quarter Length, Wearing A Yellow Waistcoat And Green Coat - (after) Agustin Esteve Y Marques
Portraits of a Gentleman small bust length, in black dress with white ruffs and gold chains - German School
Portrait of Georges Feydeau 1862-1921 - Charles Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran
Self-Portrait - Hans Baldung Grien