Street Scene - Eugene Galien-Laloue
Study of Mrs Alan Kidd - Elizabeth Barnard
The Production of Olive Oil, plate 13 from Nova Reperta New Discoveries engraved by Philip Galle 1537-1612 c.1600 - (after) Straet, Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano)
El Beato Juan de Ribera en la expulsión de los moriscos (The Blessed Juan de Ribera in the Expulsion of the Moors) - Francisco Domingo Marques
Yachting 1920 - Charles Martin
Freemasonry Instructing the People 1875 - Charles Mercereau
Portrait of Catherine and Bianca in a classical pose - Thomas Heaphy
The Gilded Cage - Evelyn Pickering De Morgan
The Story Teller - Cavaliere Giocomo di Chirico