A Dinner Conversation - Marcellus, the Younger Laroon
Banqueting Hall at the Royal Palace of Laeken - Charles Louis Girault
The Cold Day - Edouard Frère
The only session of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly held in Petrograd on 18th January 1918 - Boris Zvorykine
Feast given after the Coronation of Louis XV 1710-74 at the Palais Archiepiscopal in Rheims 25th October 1722 1722 - Pierre-Denis Martin
A Tavern Scene - Matheus van Helmont
King Gustav III of Sweden 1746-92 - Niclas II Lafrensen
The Rev and Mrs Palmer Lovell with their daughters Georgina and Christina - Augustus Leopold Egg
In the Tavern after 1898 - Laszlo Mednyanszky