Citadel of Saint-Jean de Port in 1689 from Traite de Fortifications - Claude Masse
Plan and elevation of Villa Barbaro, Maser, illustration from a facsimile copy of I Quattro Libri dellArchitettura written by Palladio, originally published 1570 - (after) Palladio, Andrea
The Guard Gate at Gatun, plate V from The Panama Canal by Joseph Pennell, 1912 - Joseph Pennell
The Great Doorway of the Mosque of Santa Sophia Constantinople - John Frederick Lewis
The Study of Alexander III 1845-94 at Gatchina Palace - Eduard Hau
Italian Landscape with Domed Building 2 - Alexander Cozens
The Weighing House - William Hogarth
The Palais du Corps Legislatif after the Last Sitting on 4th September 1870 - Jacques Guiaud