Melons, peaches, grapes, cherries and other fruits, with a wan-li porcelain bowl with gilt mount, insects and butterflies, in a landscape -
Cornelis De Heem
Peaches, grapes, walnuts, mushrooms, snails and a thistle, on a river bank -
Cornelis De Heem
Peaches, oranges, grapes on the vine and crayfish on a pewter plate, with a roemer on a box on a partly draped stone ledge -
Cornelis De Heem
Wildlife Friends Yasei no Tomo 4 - Ryoka Kawakami
Flowers in a Vase against a background of Mustapha, Algiers, 1891 - Charles Edward Conder
Bouquet Of Flowers2 - Odilon Redon
Amaryllis Lilio Narcissus Indicus - Georg Dionysius Ehret
Poppy - Philipp Otto Runge
A Pool in a Wooded Landscape - Leon Richet
The canon's garden, Salisbury - Ernest Arthur Rowe
A still life of spring flowers on a mossy bank - Vincent Clare
Vanitas Still Life with Flowers - J.H. Elers