Still life - Georges Jeannin
A lobster, cod, cabbage, onions, asparagus, a pheasant, wine and an upturned basket of oysters on a table - (after) Elena Recco
Fruit Study - Ernst Stuven
A roemer, a silver-gilt cup, oysters and a peeled lemon on a pewter plate, a knife, a casket with apples and grapes on a partially draped table - Abraham Hendrickz Van Beyeren
A globe, a book, an hourglass, dead game, roses, fruit and weapons on a table - (after) Petrus Schotanus
Grapes on a stone ledge - Roloef Koets
A Still Life Of Grapes, Peaches, Walnuts And A Wine Glass Upon A Ledge Draped With A Red Cloth - (after) Isaak Denies
The Carrot 1699 - Willem Frederik van Royen
Still Life With Peaches And Tea Urn - Frans Mortelmans