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Jean de France 1340-1416 Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry 2
Order as handmade oil painting Jean de France 1340-1416 Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry 2 - Jacquemart De Hesdin |
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Jean de France 1340-1416 Duke of Berry Praying Before the Virgin and Child from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry -
Jacquemart De Hesdin
John Duc de Berry on his knees between St Andrew and St John French from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry -
Jacquemart De Hesdin
Psalms of Penitence Christ in Majesty from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry -
Jacquemart De Hesdin [locked]
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