George John Spencer Viscount Althorp while a student at Trinity College Cambridge -
John Downman
John Edwin and Mrs Wells as Lingo and Cowslip in the Agreeable Surprise -
John Downman
Lady Frances Finch, 3rd Countess of Dartmouth (1761-1838) -
John Downman
Lawn before the Dukes palace Act I Scene II from As You Like It from The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery -
John Downman
Members of the Wilson family grouped round a memorial of William Pitt the Younger -
John Downman
At Full Gallop - Henry Thomas Alken
The Umbrella Trip from Flibustiers Parisiens - Junca
A Draped Seated Figure Holding A Scroll, Possibly The Emperor Augustus. - Fernando Yanes
Morning 1933 36 - Fernand Toussaint
On The Steps To The Cottage - Peder Monsted
Courtship - George Goodwin Kilburne
Princess Mathildes Salle a Manger rue de Courcelles Paris - Charles Giraud
Arcadian Landscape With Buildings, Classical Ruins And Figures Conversing - Abraham Rademaker
The Reader - (after) Greuze, Jean Baptiste