A Portrait Of An Elderly Bearded Gentleman, Aged 46, Bust Length, Wearing A Black Coat With A White Lace Collar - Conrad Meyer
Monsieur de Chateaubrun, 1762 - Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
Portrait of a Girl in a Pink Dress Holding a Fan - Govert Teunisz. Flinck
Portrait of M. Marcelles, Honourary Consul to Cork, half-length, in a brown coat with a cameo pinned to a white waistcoat, seated in an interior - Daniel Maclise
Self Portrait 1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
Portrait of a Lady - (after) Hudson, Thomas
Portrait of Francois Rene 1768-1848 Vicomte de Chateaubriand - Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Triosson
Portrait Of John Coffin (1678-1703) - (after) Kneller, Sir Godfrey
Portrait of a young man - Jan Albertz. Rotius