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The Building of the Temple of Jerusalem detail showing masons at work
Order as handmade oil painting The Building of the Temple of Jerusalem detail showing masons at work - Jean Fouquet |
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The Coronation of Louis VIII 1187-1226 and Blanche de Castille 1188-1252 -
Jean Fouquet
The Creation God Introducing Adam and Eve from Antiquites Judaiques -
Jean Fouquet
The Death of Bertrand du Geusclin 1320-80 at Chateauneuf de Randon -
Jean Fouquet
The Death of Louis VIII 1187-1226 King of France -
Jean Fouquet
The Deposition from the Hours of the Cross and the Holy Spirit -
Jean Fouquet
The Emperor Charlemagne Finds Rolands Corpse after the Battle of Roncevaux -
Jean Fouquet
The Entombment from the Hours of Etienne Chevalier -
Jean Fouquet [locked]
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