St. James della Marca - Vittorio Crivelli
The annuciation to Zacharias in the temple - (after) Fontainebleau
A river landscape with peasant women resting and an angler by farm buildings beyond - (after) Giuseppe Zais
Mr William Fraser McDonnell 1829-94 earning the Victoria Cross at Arrah during the Indian Mutiny - Chevalier Louis-William Desanges
Henry Howard Earl of Surrey - (after) Holbein the Younger, Hans
Mexican God Huitzilopochtli from Montanus de Niewe en Onbekende Weereld 1671 2 - Jacob van Meurs
Girls Party - Alexei Korsuchin
Deposition 1565 - Agnolo Bronzino
Loffrande - Edouard Frédéric Wilhelm Richter