Jorumgander the Younger left his shop and approached them with a case of pens which he offered for sale, illustration from The Zankiwank and the Bletherwitch, by S.J. Adair Fitzgerald, published 1896 -
Arthur Rackham
Magical rapture pierces my heart; fixed is my gaze, burning with terror, I reel, my heart faints and fail!', illustration from Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, 1924 -
Arthur Rackham
Mime and the infant, illustration from Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, 1924 -
Arthur Rackham
Miss Una Von-Something, illustration from The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, published 1898 -
Arthur Rackham
Mock away Mock The Nibelung makes for your toy!, illustration from The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie, 1910 -
Arthur Rackham
Wine Harvest Tarantella 1835 - Károly, the Elder Markó
Figures at Brimham Crags - Thomas Daniell
Study of Gottfried von Berlichingen - Emil Jacobs
Map of Paris from Civitates Orbis Terrarum - (after) Hoefnagel, Joris
Leaders and Kings of Hungary - Antonio Lanzani
Citadel of Sidon, April 28th 1839, plate 76 from Volume II of The Holy Land, engraved by Louis Haghe 1806-85 pub. 1843 - David Roberts
Siege of Paris A Yard for Firewood Boulevard de Montparnasse - Jacques Guiaud
An Ecorche Study of the Dying Gaul 1840 - William Linnell
The Shepherds and Shepherdesses of Arcadia, c.1628-9 - Nicolas Poussin