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Cupid inspiring the Plants with Love, painted for Robert Thorntons Book New Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnaeus, c.1797
Order as handmade oil painting Cupid inspiring the Plants with Love, painted for Robert Thorntons Book New Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnaeus, c.1797 - Philip Reinagle |
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Exotic birds and insects among trees and foliage in a mountainous river landscape -
Philip Reinagle
Lilium Superbum, painted for R. J. Thorntons Temple of Flora, c.1798 -
Philip Reinagle
Mrs Heywood, With Her Grey Hunter, And A Spaniel In A Landscape -
Philip Reinagle
Primrosa Primula auricula, engraved by Sutherland, from Robert Thorntons Temple of Flora 1807 -
Philip Reinagle
The Aloe, engraved by Medland, from The Temple of Flora by Robert Thornton, pub. 1798 -
Philip Reinagle
The Blue Passion Flower, engraved by Caldwell, from The Temple of Flora by Robert Thornton, pub. 1800 -
Philip Reinagle
The Oblique-leaved Begonia, engraved by Caldwell, from The Temple of Flora by Robert Thornton, pub. 1800 -
Philip Reinagle [locked]
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