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Narcissus Transformed into a Flower, 1730
Order as handmade oil painting Narcissus Transformed into a Flower, 1730 - Bernard Picart |
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Oeneus, King of Calydon, Having Neglected Diana in a Sacrifice is Punished for his Impiety, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Pan Pursues Syrinx She is Transformed into a Reed, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Perseus Delivers Andromeda from the Sea Monster, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Phineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Priest baptising, illustration from Religious Ceremonies and Customs of all the nations of the world, published Amsterdam, 1723 -
Bernard Picart [locked]
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