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Fellah Woman and Child, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Charles Bour 1814-81 pub. by Lemercier, 1848
Order as handmade oil painting Fellah Woman and Child, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Charles Bour 1814-81 pub. by Lemercier, 1848 - Emile Prisse d'Avennes |
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Kafila with a Camel Bearing a Hodesh, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Lehnert, pub. by Lemercier, 1848 -
Emile Prisse d'Avennes
Nizamior, Regular Troops of the Turkish Army at Kanka, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Mouilleron, pub. by Lemercier, 1848 -
Emile Prisse d'Avennes
The Ababda, Nomads of the Eastern Thebaid Desert, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Freeman, pub. by Lemercier, 1848 -
Emile Prisse d'Avennes
Young Arab Girl Returning from the Hammam in Cairo, illustration from The Valley of the Nile, engraved by Emile Desmaisons 1812-80 pub. by Lemercier, 1848 -
Emile Prisse d'Avennes [locked]
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