Truth Leaves the Fairies Wonderland, from 'The Pilgrimage of Truth by Erik Bogh, published in Harpers New Monthly Magazine, December 1900 -
Howard Pyle
Undergraduate Life in 1679, from Undergraduate Life at Harvard by Edward S. Martin, published in Scribners Magazine, May 1897 -
Howard Pyle
Untitled, from Old Captain by Myles Hemenway, published in Harpers New Monthly Magazine, December 1898 -
Howard Pyle
Upon the Last Stage of the Journey, They Stopped for Dinner at a Tavern or The Spies, from The Price of Blood by Howard Pyle -
Howard Pyle
Washington and Steuben at Valley Forge, published in Harpers Magazine, July 1896 -
Howard Pyle
Watching the Fight at Bunkers Hill, published in Harpers Magazine, October 1901 -
Howard Pyle
The Evening or The Student - Jules David
Pastor Johann Wilhelm Rautenberg and his Family 1833 - Carl Julius Milde
Mother and Child by a window - Carl Vilhelm Holsoe
The Devil to Pay The Wife Metamorphosd or Neptune Reposing after Fording the Jordan - James Gillray
Fungus, at length, contrives to get-Deaths Dart into his Cabinet, from the English Dance of Death pub. by Rudolph Ackermann 1764-1834 1814 - (after) Rowlandson, Thomas
Cartoon about Marriage mid nineteenth century - Honoré Daumier
In the Picture Gallery - Sir William Quiller-Orchardson
English Tea in the Salon des Quatre Glaces at the House of the Prince de Conti 1717-76 Palais du Temple - Michel-Barthelemy Ollivier
The Great Kitchen 1816 - John Nash