The Buccaneer Was a Picturesque Fellow, from The Fate of Treasure Town by Howard Pyle, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, December 1905 -
Howard Pyle
The Connecticut Settlers Entering the Western Reserve -
Howard Pyle
The Dancer, from Lola by Perceval Gibbon 1879-1926, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, January 1909 -
Howard Pyle
The Death of Washington at Mount Vernon, 14th December 1799 -
Howard Pyle
The Evacuation of Charleston, from The Story of the Revolution by Henry Cabot Lodge 1850-1924, published in Scribners Magazine, September 1898 -
Howard Pyle
The Fishing of Thor and Hymir, from North Folk Legends of the Sea by Howard Pyle, published in Harpers Monthly Magazine, January 1902 -
Howard Pyle
A Game of Chess in the Bernini Room, Villa Borghese, Roma - Enrique Cabral Y Llano
Merchants woman with a mirror - Boris Kustodiev
Collecting May Blossom - Thomas P. Hall
Diana or Christ - Edwin Longsden Long
The little vegetable market in Haag - Felix Bartholdy Mendelsohn
Recruiting - Mihaly Szemler
Farmyard with Haystack - Jan van Goyen
A Dream of a Girl Before a Sunrise - Jules Elie Delauney
Femme et Enfant dans les Champs - Camille Pissarro