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Moscow, plate 19 from Views of Palaces, Churches and Buildings, 1886
Order as handmade oil painting Moscow, plate 19 from Views of Palaces, Churches and Buildings, 1886 - Anonymous Artist |
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Mud Fish, Bloodo chiena, Bloodo La-ore, from 'Drawings of Fishes from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist
Mud Fish, Tumba Koli, from 'Drawings of Fishes from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist
Musicians, from the Manasse Codex, a collection of courtly love songs, c.1300-20 -
Anonymous Artist
Nam-Nam Boorong Goolalay, Cynometra cauliflora, from 'Drawings of Birds from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist [locked]
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