Two geisha preparing for a concert - Utagawa Toyohiro
Beata Beatrix I - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
The Vision Of Saint Catherine Of Siena - (after) Juan De Valdes Leal
Near the ashes of Friederick II the Great of Prussia (1712-86), Tsar Alexander I (1777-1825) and King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia (1770-1840) swearing immortal friendship, at Potsdam in the night of 4th to 5th November 1805, 1807 - Ulrich Ludwig Wolf
The Triumph of David 1690 - Pieter van Lint
Hampton Beach - Albert Horstmeier
Le Trottin - Jean-Georges Beraud
Young faggot gatherers in the Roman campagna - Filippo Indoni
Woman at Tea Time Sick Woman - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner