Trouville, Beach Scene IV - Eugène Boudin
Procession of Queen Louise de Lorraine Vaudemont 1553-1601 Leaving the Palais du Louvre for the Maison de Charite - (attr. to) Houel, Nicolas
Antonio Salieri 1750-1825, Austrian composer, 1802 - C.F. Riedel
Market scene with a men, a mule and monkey - (after) Cornelis De Wael
Le Comte de Coigny 1740-1817 - Louis (Carrogis) de Carmontelle
Lugwig van Beethoven 1770-1827 - (after) Letronne, Louis Rene
John Sidey and his Hounds at a Farmhouse near Hadleigh Suffolk - James I Dunthorne
Blenda - Johan August Malmstrom
Etude pour 'Au temps d'harmonie' (le joueur de boules penche) - Paul Signac