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Quakers Meeting from Ackermanns Repository of Arts, aquatinted by Joseph Constantine Stadler fl.1780-1812, pub. in 1809
Order as handmade oil painting Quakers Meeting from Ackermanns Repository of Arts, aquatinted by Joseph Constantine Stadler fl.1780-1812, pub. in 1809 - & Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T. |
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Quakers Meeting, from Ackermanns Repository of Arts, aquatinted by Joseph Constantine Stadler fl.1780-1812, pub. in 1809 -
& Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T.
Society for the Encouragement of Arts, from Ackermanns Microcosm of London, engraved by John Bluck fl.1791-1831, 1809 -
& Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T.
Society of Agriculture, from Ackermanns Microcosm of London', engraved by Joseph Constantine Stadler fl.1780-1812, 1809 -
& Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T.
Society of Agriculture, from Ackermanns Microcosm of London, engraved by Joseph Constantine Stadler fl.1780-1812 1809 -
& Pugin, A.C. Rowlandson, T. [locked]
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