Interior with Easel, Bredgade 25 (Interieur med staffeli, Bredgade 25) -
Vilhelm Hammershoi
Landskab Fra Virum Ved Frederiksdal. Sommer. (Landscape From Virum, Summer) -
Vilhelm Hammershoi
A wine glass on a silver-gilt tazza - (after) Maximillian Pfeiler
Portrait of a nobleman - (after) Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Willy Lots' Cottage, near Flatford Mill, with a horse drawn cart - John Constable
The Snake Charmer 2 - Paul Dominique Philippoteaux
Forming Life 1967 68 - Sandor Ziffer
Two men smoking at a table - Swedish School
Fecund Autumn - Robert William Vonnoh
Portrait of Frederick Douglass 1818-95 - (attr. to) Hammond, Elisha
A Classical Landscape With A Shepherd And Fisherman, A Town Beyond - (after) Pietro Paolo Bonzi