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The Hour of the Hare
Order as handmade oil painting The Hour of the Hare - Kitagawa Utamaro |
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The Lovers Hambei and Ochie, from a series An Array of Passionate Lovers, 1797-98 -
Kitagawa Utamaro
The pleasure of conversation, from the series Tosei Kobutsu hakkei -
Kitagawa Utamaro
Three Beauties of the Present Day, Edo Period, Japan, c.1793, -
Kitagawa Utamaro
Three Prints 'Ochappii' (The Precocious Girl) From The Series 'Saki-Wake Kotoba No Hana' -
Kitagawa Utamaro
Tit on a bough on the right and a Bush-warbler on a branch on the left, from an album Birds compared in Humorous Songs, 1791 -
Kitagawa Utamaro [locked]
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