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Gaius Gracchus Weeping Before his Fathers Statue, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849
Order as handmade oil painting Gaius Gracchus Weeping Before his Fathers Statue, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849 - (after) Perkins, C.C |
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Homer Singing to the People on the Chian Strand, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849 -
(after) Perkins, C.C
The Meeting of Camillus and Manlius After the Retreat of the Gauls, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849 -
(after) Perkins, C.C
The Secession of the People to the Mons Sacer, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849 -
(after) Perkins, C.C [locked]
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