Two Figures Along the Forest Path - Henri-Joseph Harpignies
Banquet at the House of Simon (detail 1) - Bernardo Strozzi
Pension Day Pensioners Collecting their Old Age Pension - Amedee Forestier
Group of Lady Musicians - Martin Le Franc
A Frost Fair on the Thames at Temple Stairs - Abraham Danielsz Hondius
View of the Frescoes in the Chapel of San Brizio - Luca Signorelli
Matilda With Jockey Up - John Frederick Herring Snr
Porte de Louvain Brussels The Retreat of the Dutch Troops - (after) Lauters, Paulus
Ms Ital 550.0.3.15 fol.4v-5r Map of Africa and the Cape of Good Hope, from the Carte Geografiche - Jacopo Russo