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Portrait of a Lady said to be Madame Adelaide daughter of Louis XV playing a harp
Order as handmade oil painting Portrait of a Lady said to be Madame Adelaide daughter of Louis XV playing a harp - Louis Michel van Loo |
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Portrait of a man, said to be Monsieur de Boulogne, three-quarter-length, in an orange velvet costume -
Louis Michel van Loo
Portrait of Countess Jeanne de Chrion-Franois de Lamoignon, bust-length, in a white silk dress with a blue shawl and a garland of flowers -
Louis Michel van Loo
Portrait Of Francoise Laurette Randon De Malboisiere, Nee Piquefeu (1722-89) As Thalia, Muse Of Comedy -
Louis Michel van Loo [locked]
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