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Construction of a town square and the tools used
Order as handmade oil painting Construction of a town square and the tools used - Claude Masse |
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Cross-section and elevation of the harbour tower at Toulon from Traite de Fortifications -
Claude Masse
Cross-section and elevations of the Chapus Fort from Traite de Fortifications 1720 -
Claude Masse
Cross-section and profile drawing of the Tour de Ganne at Tonnay Boutonne from Recueil des Plans de Saintonge -
Claude Masse
Different species of tree and sawing logs from Traite de Fortifications -
Claude Masse
Fort of Saint-Sauveur Lille in 1728 from Traite de Fortifications -
Claude Masse
Map of Bas Poitou Aunis and Saintonge with the marshes of the Bay of Aiguillon in 1716 -
Claude Masse
Map of Bas Poitou Pays dAunis and Saintonge from Recueil des Plans du Bas Poitou et de lAunis -
Claude Masse
Map of Bas Poitou Pays dAunis Saintonge and Medoc from Recueil des Plans de Saintonge -
Claude Masse
Map of Saint-Savinien on the Charente River in 1713 from Recueil des Plans de Saintonge -
Claude Masse [locked]
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