Man in Armour Holding a Pike - Jan Van Bijlert
The Battle of Nordlingen 3 - Sauveur Le Conte
Flying Artillery or A Horse Marine - George Cruikshank I
Lt Roberts winning his V.C., January 2nd 1858, illustration from The History of the Nation - Henry A. (Harry) Payne
Three panels depicting the Battle of Blenheim - Louis Laguerre
Military Encampment 4 - Robert van den Hoecke
Military Encampment 2 - Robert van den Hoecke
Heroic incident during the Piedmontese campaign of the Italian war of Independence in 1848 - Stanislas Grimaldi del Poggetto
Illustration of the Battle of Lechfeld from the Augsburg Chronicle 1457 - Sigismund Meisterlin