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Little Red Riding Hood or France losing Fachoda to England illustrated title page from Le Petit Journal 20th November 1898
Order as handmade oil painting Little Red Riding Hood or France losing Fachoda to England illustrated title page from Le Petit Journal 20th November 1898 - Tofani, Oswaldo Meaulle, F.L. & |
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Spanish American war in Spain the Queen reading her message to the Cortes Madrid illustration from Le Petit Journal Supplement illustre 8th May 1898 -
Tofani, Oswaldo Meaulle, F.L. &
The Prince of Wales 1841-1910 Visiting the Building Site of the 1900 Universal Exhibition from Le Petit Journal 20th March 1898 -
Tofani, Oswaldo Meaulle, F.L. & [locked]
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