A still life of green olives in a blue and white porcalein bowl - Jacob Foppens Van Es
In Mourning - Fernand-Anne Piestre Cormon
The Earl of Pembroke Presenting Henry III (1207-72) to the Barons - Benezach
Setters with the day's bag - (after) Robert Cleminson
Yoicks... Tally Ho...Look out for the Pastry, from Nimrod's 'The Life of a Sportsman' - Henry Thomas Alken
San Vicente de la Barquera - Carlos de Haes
Children's Games (detail) 1559-60 13 - Jan The Elder Brueghel
The Grand Canal looking towards the Dogana and the Doges Palace - William James
The Newsboy, No.10 from Familiar Figures of London, c.1901 - Robert Sauber