Portrait of a young boy wearing a hat, bust-length, in profile to the left -
Federico Zuccaro
Portrait of Andrea Doria in profile to the left, wearing the order of the Golden Fleece -
Federico Zuccaro
The Torture of Alonso Cano (1601-67) c.1867 - Theodule Augustine Ribot
The Inferno, Canto 30, lines 38-39: That is the ancient soul Of wretched Myrrha, - Gustave Dore
Old Harmonies - Francis Davis Millet
Dress at the Byzantine Court 2 - Albert Kretschmer
A Lake Scene In Kashmir - Major Edward Molyneux
Mary in the House of Elizabeth, 1917 - Robert Anning Bell
The Marriage at Cana - Luca Giordano
An Allegory of the Tyranny of the Duke of Alba - Gerrit Pietersz
The Nine Worthies detail of Hector of Troy - Giacomo Jaquerio