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Apple blossom and a bird's nest with eggs, on a mossy bank
Order as handmade oil painting Apple blossom and a bird's nest with eggs, on a mossy bank - Vincent Clare |
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Apple blossom, pansies and a bird's nest with eggs on a mossy bank -
Vincent Clare
Apple Blossom, Primroses, a Bird's Nest with Eggs, on a mossy Bank -
Vincent Clare
Apples, Plums, Raspberries in a wicker Basket, on a mossy Bank -
Vincent Clare
Blossom and a bird's nest with eggs, on a mossy bank -
Vincent Clare
Grapes, apples, plums and blueberries in a wicker basket -
Vincent Clare
Lilies of the valley, primulas, forget-me-nots and violets on a mossy bank -
Vincent Clare [locked]
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