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Portrait of Sra Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo (Retrato de la Sra Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo) 1953
Order as handmade oil painting Portrait of Sra Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo (Retrato de la Sra Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo) 1953 - Diego Rivera |
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Portrait of the Young Girl Elenita Carrillo Flores (Retrato de la nina Elenita Carrillo Flores) 1952 -
Diego Rivera
Sailor at Breakfast (Marinero almorzando) 1914 -
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Self Portrait Dedicated to Irene Rich (Autorretrato dedicado a Irene Rich) 1941 -
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Sugar Plantation Tealtenango Morelos (Ingenio azucarero de Tealtenango Marelos) 1930 to 31 -
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