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Order as handmade oil painting Fish - Giuseppe Recco |
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Natura Morta Con Tulipani, Iris, Girasole, Peonie, Anemoni E Altri Fiori In Un Vaso Di Vetro, Su Una Base Di Pietra -
Giuseppe Recco
Roses, carnations, tulips and other flowers in a glass vase, with pastries and sweetmeats on a pewter platter, on a stone ledge -
Giuseppe Recco
Sardines suspended from twine and onions on a stone ledge -
Giuseppe Recco
Shellfish in a basket, a lobster in a bowl and shells, a crayfish and a crab on a stone ledge -
Giuseppe Recco
Still Life Of Oysters In A Basket, Fish In A Brass Bowl, And Squid And Other Fish Arranged On A Ledge -
Giuseppe Recco [locked]
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