The Holy Family With The Infant Saint John The Baptist In A Landscape -
Orazio Gentileschi
Saint Christopher - (after) Orazio Gentileschi
The Tempation of Saint Anthony - (after) David The Younger Teniers
The Martyrdom of St Matthew (detail 1) 1599-1600 - Caravaggio
The Adoration of the Shepherds - Joan Mates
Virgin and Child with Young St John the Baptist - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Release of St. Peter, c.1635 - Bernardo Strozzi
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine - Anonymous Artist
The Gospel according to St John St John at Patmos - Pol de Limbourg
The Flagellation of Christ from the Mariegola de la Scuola di San Giovanni Evangelista de Venise - (attr. to) Luca di Paolo Veneziano