Portrait of a lady, aged 30, three-quarter-length, in a black dress with a white ruff, a pomander in her right hand, her left arm resting on a book -
(after) Michiel Jansz. Van Mierevelt
Portrait of a lady, bust length, in a brown velvet dress with a floral pattern and a white lace collar, a gold necklace, and a white lace cap fastened -
(after) Michiel Jansz. Van Mierevelt
Portrait of a lady, three-quarter-length, in a black, white and red dress, with white lace collar, cuffs and headdress, a fan in her right hand -
(after) Michiel Jansz. Van Mierevelt
Portrait of a lady as Flora - (after) Gaspar-Pieter The Younger Verbruggen
Portrait of Laure Deveria - Achille-Jacques-Jean-Marie Deveria
Portrait De Lucy Hessel 2 - Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
Portrait of a Woman Woman in Green Dress 1921 - Lajos Tihanyi
Portrait Of An Elegant Lady In A White Dress - E. Dieudonne
Portrait of Empress Eugenie 1826-1920 - Edouard Louis Dubufe
Portrait of Mrs. Cubley as Terpsichore, half-length, in a white dress and a blue wrap, playing a lyre - (after) Kauffmann, Angelica
Portrait of Madame Pierre Guibert - Pierre Lacour
Portrait of Mrs Fuseli - Johann Henry Fuseli