An Admiralty yacht running down the coast, astern of a frigate -
Francis Swaine
Scene in Portugal - Arthur Joseph Meadows
View of the Corocores of the Island of Guebe, from the Island of Pisang, from Voyage Autour du Monde sur les Corvettes de LUranie 1817-20 engraved by Coutant, published 1825 - (after) Pellion, Alphonse
The Tour de Nesles - Theodor Josef Hubert Hoffbauer
A gentle breeze - John B. Everett
Fisherfolk on the beach at Scheveningen - Jan van Goyen
A capriccio of a Venetian lagoon - (after) Francesco Guardi
Moonlight, Maine - Edward Moran
Poissy from Views on the Seine - (after) Gendall, John
The Departure from New York Harbor - Henry Bacon