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A Village Scene With Figures Chopping And Collecting Firewood In The Foreground, Other Villagers Gathered Outside A Cottage Beyond
Order as handmade oil painting A Village Scene With Figures Chopping And Collecting Firewood In The Foreground, Other Villagers Gathered Outside A Cottage Beyond - Abel Grimmer |
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A Winter Landscape With Skaters On A Frozen River 2 -
Abel Grimmer
A Wooded Landscape With Travellers Entering A Town 2 -
Abel Grimmer
A wooded winter river landscape with a town, skaters and woodchoppers, another town beyond -
Abel Grimmer
A wooded winter village landscape with peasants slaughtering pigs -
Abel Grimmer
Autumn A village scene with peasants and livestock by a road, cottages and a windmill beyond, in a feigned roundel -
Abel Grimmer [locked]
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