Montezuma II - D.K. Bonatti
Portico of the Fountain of Pouhon at Spa from Choix des Monuments, Edifices et Maisons les plus remarquables du Royaume des Pays Bas - Pierre Jacques Goetghebuer
Emperor Maximilian I 1 1519 - Albrecht Durer
Interior of the Oude Kerk, Delft, with a preacher - A. and Streeck, H. van Storck
Artists Atelier, 1865 - Vasili Vladimirovits Pukirev
Signing the New Lease 1868 - Erskine Nicol
The Ascension of St John the Evangelist - Niccolo del Biondo Giovanni di
Scene at the Entrance of a Cathedral - Jules Elie Delauney
Detail of the ceiling of La Grande Singerie - Christophe Huet