Huntsman with the Borzois - Rudolph Frenz
Launcelot, winner of the 1840 St. Leger Stakes, with William Scott up - Francis Calcraft Turner
Adoration of the Holy Wood (detail-1) c. 1452 - Piero della Francesca
A cautious introduction - (after) Lilian Cheviot
French Travelling, or The First Stage from Calais, aquatinted by Francis Jukes (1747-1812), pub. by T. Smith, 1785 - Thomas Rowlandson
Scenes from the Passion of Christ (detail-5) 1470-71 - Hans Memling
Village street with farmers, mules and dealers - Giovanni Fattori
The Rape of the Sabines - Domenico Morone
Before Lisowczycy gospoda - Josef von Brandt