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A Portrait Of A Gentleman, Dressed In A Red And Green Cloak, Half Length
Order as handmade oil painting A Portrait Of A Gentleman, Dressed In A Red And Green Cloak, Half Length - German School |
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A Portrait Of A Lady, Half Length, Wearing Black, With A White Scarf, And An Elaborate Headress -
German School
A Portrait Of A Lady, Seated Half Length, Wearing A Black Dress And A White Lace Scarf, Holding A Letter In Her Left Hand -
German School
A Portrait Of A Mandepicted Half Length Wearing A Red Scarf Holding Spectacles -
German School
A Portrait Of A Nobleman, Said To Be Graf Von Bergen, Bust Length, Wearing A Black Coat With A White Lace Collar -
German School
A Portrait Of A Nobleman, Standing Full Length, Wearing Armour And Holding A Sceptre In His Right Hand -
German School
A Portrait Of Ernst III, Archduke Of Austria (1553-1595), Head And Shoulders, Wearing The Order Of The Golden Fleece -
German School [locked]
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