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Still Life With A Roemer, A Fluted Wine-Glass, A Silver Goblet, A Blue-And-White Porcelain Bowl Filled With Green Olives
Order as handmade oil painting Still Life With A Roemer, A Fluted Wine-Glass, A Silver Goblet, A Blue-And-White Porcelain Bowl Filled With Green Olives - Willem Claesz. Heda |
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Still Life With A Roemer, A Silver Tazza, A Knife And A Sliced Lemon On A Pewter Plate, A Pie On A Pewter Plate, A Flute, Wine-glass And A Silver Pitcher, Together With A Lemon, All Arranged On A Table -
Willem Claesz. Heda
Still Life With A Silver Ewer, A Silver-Gilt Covered Cup, A Ham, A Salt, A Roemer, A Nautilus Shell And Other Objects, All On A Cloth-Draped Table -
Willem Claesz. Heda [locked]
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