Favourite of the Harem - John Frederick Lewis
Figure Of A Bearded Man, Head And Shoulders, Wearing A Cope, Possibly One Of The Four Fathers Of The Church - Claude Vignon
David and Goliath (detail-2) 1509 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
St. Sebastian, from the Martyr of St. Sebastian, c.1911-22 (2) - Leon (Samoilovitch) Bakst
The Inferno, Canto 28, lines 30,31: Now mark how I do rip me: lo! How is Mahomet mangled. - Gustave Dore
A Cavalry Engagement 1618 - Pieter Snayers
Francois Antoine Boissy dAnglas 1756-1826 saluting the head of the deputy Jean Bertrand Feraud 1759-95 - Charles Fournier
Praying Arab with a Secured Camel - Ippolito Caffi
Reading of the law in a Synagogue - Solomon Alexander Hart