Still Life With Grapes, Plums, Apricots And A Pomegranate In A Basket, Together With Other Fruits And A Nautilus Shell On A Stone Ledge - Joris Van Son
Still Life With Greenages, Biscuits And Glass - François Bonvin
Still Life With A Birds Nest, Roses, A Melon And Grapes - Edward Ladell
A bouquet of summer fruits and flowers on a mossy bank - (after) Olga Wisinger-Florian
Summer flowers in a Chinese ceramic vase with fruit and pastries on a table - Louis-Michel Hadengue
Grapes, plums, and peaches with a jug on a ledge - Charles Thomas Bale
A Market Stall With A Peasant Holding Up A Hare, A Pheasant, Partridge, A Bowl Of Strawberries - Frans Snyders
A still life with flowers, tropical fruit and a partridge - Hendrik Reekers
Oranges, cherries, grapes, and a ginger jar - Charles Thomas Bale