The Visitation 1560 - da San Friano Maso
Athlet Im Profil Nach Rechts, Frauenakt Von Vorne (Athlete In Profile Facing Right, Female Nude Seen From The Front) - Gustav Klimt
Two seated putti - Cristoforo Pomarancio (Roncalli)
Jupiter with Satyr Antiope and their Children Amphion and Zethos - Vincent Sellaer
Adam and Eve, from The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Saints, c.1440 - Paolo di Stefano Badaloni Schiavo
Naked Man on a Bed (G. 35) - Lucian Freud
Fight of Achilles with the River Scamander - Philipp Otto Runge
Bacchus And Ariadne - Carlo Maratta or Maratti
The Creation Of Adam In The Garden Of Eden - Jan, the Younger Brueghel