In the Garden - Emile Vernon
An encounter outside the cottage - A.C. (after) Cooke
Women Writers Suffrage League - William Henry Margetson
For the Victims of Duty The Battle of Flowers from Le Petit Journal 13th June 1891 - Henri Meyer
The Challenge: a Lady interposing between two Cavaliers, 1862 - Charles Cattermole
Veduta del Tempio della Sibilla Tiburtina in Tivolia - Italian School
The Moroccan Storyteller - Alfred Dehodencq
Revenge taken by the Black Army for the Cruelties practised on them by the French, engraved by Inigo Barlow, from An Historic Account of the Black Empire of Haiti, pub. 1805 - (after) Rainsford, Marcus
Andrew Jackson - James Barton Longacre