End paper of The Fairy Ship - Walter Crane
The Gamblers - Domenico (Micco Spadaro) Gargiulo
Marcel Proust 1871-1922 on a sofa, c.1900, published in LIllustration, 3 January 1931 - Otto-Pirou
Devotion - Francois Louis Lanfant de Metz
Portrait of Yulia Yevstafievna Kustodieva 1880-1942 the artists wife - Boris Kustodiev
Eurydice Bitten by the Snake 1930 - Bryson Burroughs
A Tea Garden - George Morland
Pocahontas saving the life of Captain John Smith, c.1836-40 - John Gadsby Chapman
Jeanne Antoinette Poisson 1721-64 Marquise de Pompadour - Francois-Hubert Drouais