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The Inferno, Canto 7, lines 8-9: "Cursd wolf! thy fury inward on thyself Prey, and consume thee!
Order as handmade oil painting The Inferno, Canto 7, lines 8-9: "Cursd wolf! thy fury inward on thyself Prey, and consume thee! - Gustave Dore |
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The Inferno, Canto 8, lines 110-111: I could not hear what terms he offerd them, But they conferrd not long -
Gustave Dore
The Inferno, Canto 8, lines 27-29: Soon as both embarkd, Cutting the waves, goes on the ancient prow, More deeply than with others it is wont. -
Gustave Dore
The Inferno, Canto 8, lines 39-41: My teacher sage Aware, thrusting him back: Away! down there To the other dogs! -
Gustave Dore
The Inferno, Canto 9, lines 124-126: He answer thus returnd: The arch-heretics are here, accompanied By every sect their followers; -
Gustave Dore
The Inferno, Canto 9, lines 87-89: To the gate He came, and with his wand touchd it, whereat Open without impediment it flew. -
Gustave Dore [locked]
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